Saturday, 10 September 2011


Financial freedom is a word that has taken primacy in the 21st century. It is a term that describes a lifestyle that is organically planned where no one is required to work for income to cover their expenses. Financial freedom perpetuates that one can be free of the responsibilities of money as long as he has set a life defining plan to handle his finances.
Financial freedom does not mean that one is free of debt. However, it contends that debt can be defined as an expense. While debt is a constant financial consideration, a person who has acquired financial freedom is allowed to mark debt as a part of his expenses rather than a weight to his financial goals.
Financial freedom is a misconception for being rich. While we know that rich people have a number of million dollars in account, their overhead long run costs could mean that they are not as financially independent as they seem. Therefore financial freedom is a concept attuned to your lifestyle and the amount of money you have to cover it. In this perspective, financial freedom is not as hard to achieve as first imagined.
Financial Freedom is Time Freedom
For other people, financial freedom is equivalent to having an expanded leisure time. The concept of time is money comes into play. In reality, a financially independent person will see that money is time. Once you are able to develop a sense of time freedom, then that means you are in a positive direction to acquire financial freedom
Financial freedom makes ones finances less of a concern. Defined differently, financial freedom allows someone to take time on activities without trading your free time for income. Financial freedom hinges on tradable assets that compound over time to cover for regular expenses. Thus, wealth is created which generates more time and money. It allows people to cut their working hours with no loss of income because of money making activities.
Achieving Financial Freedom
Achieving financial freedom requires a different mindset. In our classic college education, we are taught to work for money. Therefore, we put in time to work and then we get our wage. This is the famous time for money swap. However, financial freedom removes the concept of time-and-money-swap and allows an individual to make money work for them.
Achieving financial freedom involves a different shift in lifestyle and overall mindset. While it is easy to think about having more time to invest and create a business, most office workers still find that whatever amount of time that they have should be placed in a routine. A critical step in achieving financial freedom is realizing that there are ways to make better use of ones time.
To achieve financial freedom, fundamental attitudes about the concept of money need to be changed. Realizing that money is only a mean to achieve an end is one thing. Knowing that no one should be judged depending on the amount of money they own is another. Judging financial freedom as the amount of money held defeats the purpose because in the end, you will not have financial freedom if you are not satisfied with the money that you have. Remember that financial freedom is also a personal perception. This perception is highly related to the level of satisfaction that money brings.
On another side of the coin, we should also remove the negative perception of money. While the saying that “money is the root of all evil” seems relevant, thinking that this is always the case will provide a repellent view about creating wealth. Always put into heart that financial freedom is a healthy endeavor as long as one feels it is ethically sound to make money. In the end, having the right attitude about money will go a long way in dealing with different perceptions of financial freedom. Financial freedom is ultimately a state of mind.
Do you remember that first spark of hope you felt when you watched The Secret? I clearly remember the desire that filled my heart, knowing that – Yes, I can make my dreams come true – FINALLY!
But how many of you soon saw that hope dwindle into frustration? How many of you (and be honest now) started muttering things like:
- “It seems to work for other people, but I just can’t get it right.”
- “I’m frustrated that sometimes I can get it to work, but sometimes I can’t. What’s the trick?”
- “Why am I having so much trouble?”
- “I think the universe is against me.”
- “I’m trying very, VERY hard but still nothing is happening!”
Don’t worry, you’re not alone. About 97% of people also couldn’t make the Law of Attraction work for them the first time round. Think about it, just like anything else, you have to practice many times before you see success. A child doesn’t learn to walk without falling over a couple of times, right?
But in practice, everything is easier said and done. When you’re frustrated, it’s hard to stay positive. And it’s especially harder to stay positive when the evidence all around you is screams negativity like the unstable economy or senseless acts of violence such as those recently seen in Mumbai.
And do you know what happens when you fail to stay positive? That’s right – you start attracting negative things in to your life.
So how can you make the Law of Attraction work for you – without getting frustrated? How do those who successfully implement the Law of Attraction do it with such confidence and finesse?
Well, here’s three quick tips so you will never feel frustrated or tired of begging from the universe, because you know how to start manifesting like a pro.
1. Allow Yourself To Receive
Just like a lost child who approaches a police officer and asks, “Excuse me Sir, can you tell me how to go to the post office? Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you?” Well, if the child goes on and on asking, the police officer can’t even give an answer, right?
Well, it’s the same thing with your mind. If the only thing your mind is doing is transmit, transmit, transmit, the universe — which is trying to respond — can’t give you a single thing because you’re not allowing yourself to receive!
So, have the confidence in yourself and stop exhausting yourself by running around person to person begging for riches, and then wondering why nobody is dropping a penny in your cup (Hint: It’s because you’re running away too fast for them before they can even reach for their wallets).
Just think of your desires and leave it out there, go away, and trust that your cup will be filled with gold coins (or whatever it is you asked for) when the time is right.
2. Be Patient With Yourself
Receiving takes time.
Sadly, many people give up just a couple of steps before the finish line because they’ve decided that if it’s not working by now, it’s never going to work at all. Worse still are those who throw in more and more energy because they think that with more resources, the results will come faster.
This is like expecting 9 mothers to conceive and deliver a baby in 1 month. You also can’t bake cookies in half the time by doubling the temperature. You’ll incinerate those cookies to ashes!
In simple terms: Everything in this world has a natural development time, and this fact will not change no matter what resources you throw at it.
So relax and be patient. Remember that you too, as part of the universe, are also governed by the laws of the universe, and you cannot change the natural development time.
If you remember this, you will less likely work yourself up into frustration, or worse, push yourself into a downward spiral of negativity.
3. Support and Educate Yourself
Like the child who is learning how to walk, you need support. You also need to guidance on how to do it, and also the role models to look up to.
Many people give up because they think that “The Secret” is the “be all and end all” solution. Well, it’s NOT. “The Secret” is just a small portion. It was never intended, and has never been, the whole answer.
Coming to the conclusion that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work when all you ever did to educate yourself was watch “The Secret” 19 times (without looking at changing the habits of other areas of your life) is like coming to the conclusion that exercising is not an effective way to lose weight because all you did is run on the treadmill for 2 hours a day (but you’re still stuffing yourself with fried foods and cheesecakes).
So seek and be hungry for new knowledge. Also, make an effort to be amongst people or communities where you can support each other, learn from each other and also share new knowledge that you have found.
While the Law of Attraction is not an overnight delivery service, it will indeed deliver, if you do your part too!

Millionaire Mindset: Is Your Brain Sabotaging Your Success?

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have success with every they do? Do they have some magical power that you don’t?
Would you like to quickly get that power?
In a recent interview for the List Crusade program, T. Harv Eker revealed what he calls the Millionaire Mindset-which gives extremely successful individuals what seems to be an “unfair advantage.”
(Note: To access T. Harv Eker’s complete audio interview for free, see end of article)
Harv is the author of the best-selling book, Speed Wealth, as well as several highly-acclaimed courses such as The Millionaire Mind Intensive, Life Directions, Wizard Training and Train the Trainer. He is also the producer and trainer of the world-famous Enlightened Warrior Training.
He went from zero to millionaire in only 2-1/2 years using the Speed Wealth principles he teaches. He shows you how to instantly rid yourself of limiting beliefs that have stopped you from accumulating wealth in the past.
According to Harv, your subconscious mind may actually be holding you back from the success you want in business and in life.
The subconscious is much more powerful than your conscious mind.
It’s like an ice berg, most it is beneath the surface, and that’s usually what sinks ships.
Ideas and misconceptions you formed as a child can affect your life right now. If you believe that money is evil or that money is hard to get, then your success will be limited. Even though you go through the motions to reach your goal, you’ll always fall short on something that is critical to your success.
You mind will automatically stop you just like a thermostat turns off the heat at a certain point.
Harv revealed 4 easy actions you can do today to change your money thermostat and gain a millionaire mindset right now.
1. Stop blaming. You must take absolute responsibility for every result in your life. If you didn’t cause it that means it’s out of your hands. If you did cause it then you can change it and get a different result. What an empowering concept …
2. Stop complaining. When you complain you are focusing on the problem. The Universal Law of Attraction states that what you focus on expands. So if you focus on what you don’t want, what do you think you’ll get?
3. Use the power of intention. Take your current goal and double, triple it, or even quadruple it. For example, if you want to make an extra $2000 a month, raise your goal to $8000. According to Harv, the Universe usually gives you only what you ask of it. You’ll probably find that the higher goal will spark your enthusiasm and energy and make it much easier to accomplish.
4. Bless that which you want. If you see someone with a fancy car, say “Good for him!” Don’t use your key to scratch it as you walk by like a lot of jealous low brow people may do. If someone you know gets a promotion, congratulate him. This secret alone will cause money and wealth to start flowing to you effortlessly.
The more you practice these Millionaire Mindset secrets, the more you’ll discover that you too will experience dramatic success and your income will skyrocket.

The Meaning of Freedom

The meaning of financial freedom for most people lies on the idea of no longer having financial obligations or worries. You are debt free and you are able to buy what you want when you want. You no longer worry about paying bills or making ends-meet. For some this freedom may also mean being able to buy a home, a vehicle or luxury items. It can mean being secured now and in the future, by building investments and a nest egg for retirement.The meaning of financial freedom is very individual because money is personal. How you spend your money differs from how your neighbor spends money. We all use our money and budget it differently. That is why freedom comes in many forms. It all depends on how you look at money and your finances. Maybe you have no clue where you stand and you need to define what being financially free means to you. This is where reading great articles on the subject can really give you a push in the right direction.

Figuring Out Freedom

You may feel like you cannot define financial freedom. What can help you is to read different financial articles which concentrate on your goals. These articles focus on defining and explaining financial freedom. Many articles take the time to help you see the different ideas of financial freedom so that you can figure out your own definition.Great financial articles will cover different topics. Many will just explain what financial freedom is and why people want to find it. Some articles may outline steps to finding financial freedom such as those found on my website. A financial freedom article can really help you to clear up any questions that you have and give you a good idea of what it means to be financially free.

Finding Freedom

Finding financial freedom may seem like a dream, but after reading some very good articles and educating yourself before making a move, you will see that it doesn't have to be some foreign concept. There are many people out there who have found freedom all on their own without a trust fund or family money. Anyone can find financial freedom. It is a matter of finding the right way to go about reaching this goal.Use the information that you gather from financial freedom articles and this website. Read a range of articles so you can get different points of view. You can learn a lot about different methods of reaching financial freedom, too. There are many financial freedom articles that will explain how to spot scams and how to tell if an opportunity is real. These articles are extremely helpful since so many opportunities for financial freedom are simply scams that will leave you in worse shape than when you began. I know I fell victim of some of these scams myself when I first started on my pursuit of financial freedom. It is difficult to reach financial freedom without finding a good opportunity that will guide you and lead you in that direction. A financial freedom article could be the thing that helps lead you in the right direction. Articles will often give details of programs so that you can find one that is perfect for you. This is important because not all legitimate programs will be right for you. Your goal should be to find the opportunity that will be a good fit for your life and for your needs.
The idea of financial freedom may seem like some fantasy. Once you start reading financial freedom articles you will be able to learn more and to see how financial freedom really is a possibility in your life. It is always a good idea to go into any new venture as educated as possible. Seeking financial freedom is no different. Educate yourself by reading a financial freedom article today to get you started on the right track. 

Personal financial planning is important if you want to achieve financial freedom.

The basic idea with the financial planning for financial freedom is to make sure that you are building up funds and assets that eventually will pay for all your expenses.

When you have reached that point you have financial freedom per definition.

The planning is a way of trying to get there as smoothly and quickly as possible without having to sacrifice all ‘The good things in life’ during the process.

Everyone knows that it is good to have saved some money if there are unexpected things happening, but there are only a few who does something about it.

Why? Because most people think they can’t. They think it is to difficult, they don’t have enough money, they have to pay of their debt first or any other reason you can think of.

And anyway, saving money is really hard and you have to stay at home and you can never do things you like anymore, like going to a restaurant or to the movies. So that’s why people put it off, they have so many ideas about it that they never even try!

It is important not to get to stiff and uptight about this, because then it becomes a pain. If you can not enjoy your journey to financial freedom, most probably you will not be able to enjoy the financial freedom itself. You would probably be too worried about loosing your money, or spending to much of them!

There are a few basics we will cover here and then you will be shown a few other resources that you can benefit from.

The process is the following:

Action Steps

1 Taking financial inventory

2 Deciding what are your financial goals

3 Making a detailed financial plan of how to get there

4 Putting the financial plan into action and monitoring it

5 Become a member of the Financial IQ Club!

Read also:

How to achieve personal financial freedom

Ways of saving money

Practical budgeting tips

Here are some free tools:

Debt free calculator

When will you be a millionaire calculator

Money 101 Course

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